Monday, March 8, 2010


Lately I am obsessed with blogging. I swear this stuff sucks you in! But hey, I like it, and it gives me something to do. Recently I have been thinking of things I want to do in the near future, either as a hobby or maybe profession. So since I just love lists so darn much here is a list of things I am interested in!

-PHOTOGRAPHY!!! I would just love to start taking photography classes.. anyone know of a good place to take them for cheap?
-I love sports and I would really love to join a volleyball team, or maybe even.... a rugby team! I have always wanted to learn how to play rugby... which is funny because I am a very very girly girl... doesn't seem like a girly girl would want to get tackled huh? haha
-School is definitely a possibility in the near future. I just don't know what to major in... I have thought about event planning. Sounds so fun! Music is definitely a possibility also. I have been thinking of maybe going out of state for school.... who knows... I just need to do something... and going to school somewhere else sounds fun!
-So there is this school in Santa Barbara, California. (Where I was born!) It is called The Music Academy of the West. It has been a life long dream of mine to go there and study music. It is a summer program, and I would be able to study music for the whole summer... and live in Cali... Can you say amazing tan! Wooo
-And the last big one for right now..... Drum roll...... Go on a MISSION!!! I have been thinking about it a lot lately, and I think it would be an amazing experience. I love missionary work, and I love the Gospel! So I just think that would be so great!!!!

Well that is my list for now... That is what has been on my mind recently. Let me know what you think! ♥

1 comment:

katiemae said...

Haha, you are not the only one who wants to go on a mission :) Sounds like a good list!