This is why I love my dad soooo much...
I got in a fight with my mom today about some stuff... it was a pretty emotional, good one... haha We got some things out and I was able to gain a new perspective on my life. (My mom has the best head on her shoulders.) Anyway, I have a problem where I get really intimidated by my father... He is a big muscly guy, so who wouldn't be intimidated? I was afraid that he would be just so disappointed in me, and that he would lay into me just like my mom did. (I am the type of person that needs to please everyone... so when my parents are disappointed in me, the obvious solution for me is to do whatever they want me to do. It isn't just that I want to please them... its that it kills me to fall short of what they see in me, and what they expect of me, and want for my life.) So the whole day today, I had been avoiding my dad, just knowing that if I was in a room alone with him he would bring up what I really didn't want to talk about. I was sitting playing the piano, and my dad calls me into the kitchen... of course what was going to happend...? He said sit down by your mom, I need to talk to you. So I sit down, and automatically start tearing up...(don't judge I was expecting the worse, and I have been SUPER emotional lately.) Instead of giving that super harsh lecture, he just says, sweetie it kills me to see you so low, and you need to snap out of whatever is going on. So I sit and listen to him for a while talk about work, and how hard I need to be working in my life... not just at my job, but at everything.
I love how no matter what we talk about my dad will relate my situation to the gospel. He says that to be truely happy, and get anything out of life, I need to be living the gospel. And of course I am going to church... but for me that just isn't enough. I don't get just what I need from going to church one day a week, and my parents know that. They know that when I am having a rough time, and I am not happy, that I am not reading my scriptures and saying meaningful prayers. They are just so smart... haha who would have thought parents would just know what is best for their children. And of course I know that they are right, and that I need to be doing everything I can to be happy.
I love that my parents lives are so focused on the gospel. It is actually a huge relief for me. I know that I am safe in my home, and that I have wonderful parents who won't ever waver from the truth of the gospel. I love that my dad is so open to talk about that gospel. It is so comforting. Most people find that talking about your testimony is just too personal, and so they don't do it. Well I am not one of those people. My day would just be so complete of I could have at least one gospel conversation a day.
So we are talking about the gospel, and my dad is saying that everything in life is spiritual. And I completely agree with him. Then he opens up and says, Kennedy, I know what you are going through... He says, I get in these little rutts and I don't know how to get out.... this is like a big realization for me... I always think of my dad as the perfect dad, the invincible man. It's crazy to know that wow.... parents are normal humans too. Haha and of course I know they are.. it's just different when they talk to you about it.
So the talk went very well, and I just love my dad so much. I love how sweet he is to me. I love that he watches This Is It (The MJ movie) with me and my sister... and that he does some of the dance moves, knows all of the songs, and then gets up and starts dancing to the songs.... if you didn't know, my dad is that best dancer ever! He has the groove haha! I love that he works out to MJ... haha I love that he is so into music, and loves what I love, and raised me on great music... James Taylor! He is so fun, and loves The Office. He has the best laugh ever! OMGosh do we have good laughs at my house... haha He is the perfect man! I just love him so much. ♥