Sunday, February 28, 2010

Crazy happenings!

So I was watching Cameron play basketball the other night, and it was in the ghetto... near colfax haha. But I was sitting there and there were these girls that walked in and sat next to me. One of the girls was talking on the phone to, who I am guessing, was her boyfriend. At first she was talking about how they were making out. Then she started getting quieter... but really she was being super freaking loud, and she was turned towards me which was super awkward. So then she started to explain this one time they were doing it.... gosh how awkward was that. She was going into detail about her sexual life. I really dont need to hear that. It was just super crazy... But the rest of the game was fairly normal. That is my crazy story of the week!


Unknown said...

yikes! bad company! i hope she realized how, dare i say it, inappropriate she was being!

Kennedy McIntosh said...

The thing is that she didn't! It was probably one of the most awkward one sided conversations I have ever witnessed! haha